Phraseexpress search by abbreviation
Phraseexpress search by abbreviation

phraseexpress search by abbreviation

Ditto for “Gmail” F8 (yes, ActiveWords has replaced marking favourites for websites).Open the GTD Times website by typing “GTDT” F8,.

Phraseexpress search by abbreviation software#

Open software such as Google Earth by typing “Earth” F8,.(Keep in mind that ActiveWords works on top of windows so I can do any of the following while working in any program): Still don’t really understand what ActiveWords does? Maybe this will help…ĪctiveWords allows me to do Ferrari like things. But those are like driving a Honda Civic – good, reliable, and gets you from A-B – but what I really want is a Ferrari – fast, exciting, and the envy of all my colleagues (OK, that last one is a bit of a stretch).Įnter ActiveWords (I’ll wait while you head back up to the ActiveWords definition). (Editors note: ActiveWords was also featured in a podcast by David Allen.)įor quick access to all your stuff, OneNote allows you to organize things really well into Books, Sections, Pages, and Sub-pages and they provide a nifty search box and tagging capabilities. MS Office OneNote 2007 is a digital notebook that provides people one place to gather their notes and information, powerful search to find what they are looking for quickly, and easy-to-use shared notebooks so that they can manage information overload and work together more effectively.ĪctiveWords is a Windows application that relates words and actions, giving you instant access to what you want, making you more productive, and improving the quality of your work. Whether you’re a proficient OneNote user or just started using it after reading my GTD and OneNote article posted on GTD Times it doesn’t take long to populate the software with a tonne of pages and a tonne of information (yes, I am Canadian). A Community Contribution from Ryan Oakley

Phraseexpress search by abbreviation